Friday, October 24, 2008


I love how the Lord just shows up when you least expect it. Not that He isn't already there, His presence is just magnified larger at times. And sometimes He uses a little humor too! As I was watching TBN, ok go ahead and have a little laugh. As a side note, I know TBN has some questionable people and some questionable goals, but sometimes you dig deep enough and find a gold nugget! HAHA. Which is what happened to me tonight. I'll be honest I sometimes watch TBN, it struggles at times, but it's a lot better than some of that other junk on tv. Anyways, I can't remember what the preacher's name was, but I just felt life in his words, which by the way were not really profound. As he began to speak, I just felt the presence of the Lord come in. All I can describe it was like a breath of fresh air. Almost as if you suddenly come to the realization that you haven't been breathing, and that long gasp of air fills your lungs and you finally have relief!

So I'm gonna do my best to tell you a little nugget I pulled from the preacher tonight. He began to talk about negatives in your life. Lord knows we all have them. It's when we began to dwell on them that we find ourselves slipping into the darkness. Negatives began to develop in the darkness, which then become a picture. The more we dwell on the negatives the greater they become. It's when we allow the Lord of light to shine on us that the negatives are ruined!!Hallelujah!;)

That just made me think a lot about my own life. I'm tired of allowing myself to slip into darkness only to start developing my negatives into pictures of dissapointment, hopelessness, and whatever else is wrong in my life. Enough is enough. I'm letting the Light shine and expose my negatives!

And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. Gen.1:3-4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

preach it Juanita!!!!

love that and guess what... for my trip to el Salvador I took the negatives fromt he pictures I had developed and put them in my scrap book and under it I wrote, "even the negatives were used for the kingdom"


anyways, love it!