Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rhetoric & Research

I guess I'm gonna try to do some kind of devotion/thought as much as I can. It helps to keep my mind fixed on Him, so I hope you enjoy. I'm just trying to work what's in me out!

On another note, I realized today how much I love to research stuff!! I love looking up things I don't know! Haha. And to think I never liked school. That being said, if you have questions or anything you want me to research I would be more than happy to do that. I especially like Bible stuff. I was actually reading through a theology book tonight. Haha I almost sound like a nerd!

I actually made brownies today. I haven't had a brownie since I don't know when. I usually don't care for them that much, but I had seen them sitting on the counter for days!haha

Well I guess that's it for tonight! Goodnight!

"I wonder why He loves me!" Joy Williams "Wonder"


Karrie said...

I love research also. I am currently doing research on Christian Feminism....what it means to be a daughter of God. Someday it may become more than a small project that I have to do for the classes we're currently taking....maybe a thesis or something. Anyway, it's a topic of interest for me personally and professionally. So if you come across any books/articles or authors that speak on the topic, please let me know!

krissyb said...

oh hey girl. you sound like an important resource for those of us only halfway through our college career. :) i might take you up on that... before you start charging for your services. ;)