Monday, October 20, 2008

Living in a Job(Bible) moment

Ever feel like you've been in a Job moment. The place where it seems everything you love, you hold dear, and you feel is right starts to be peeled away. It's the peeling away,layer after layer that always seems to come at a moment in your life where everything seems to feel right. It's where you start to sit on the edge of complacency, but not every really giving over to it. And to some it may not seem to be things of great value from the outside looking in. Job lost everything and though you may not be facing the deaths of loved ones or animals, but you're facing the loss of those things you hold dear. I know these Job moments bring fear, doubt, and sorrow. But, it's these Job moments that bring us closer to God. That's a big thought to try to wrap your mind around, but it's true. It's a time of testing and taking away. It's hard and it hurts. It's okay to get angry, to have questions, and to just plain out not understand. And the good thing is God is big and small enough to understand. How many times in our lives do we get mad at those we love? Lots I would guess. The fact that we are angry at them has nothing to do with whether or not we love each other. The same applies with God. Just because we question and are angry doesn't change our love for Him. In fact, our love for him and his love for us is what keeps us holding on. Being honest with God is much better than hiding what's going on. He already knows what we're feeling. We might as well talk it over. It's in these Job moments that we prove our love. We prove that no matter what God is still God. He is still good and still worthy of glory and honor. Yes, He has promised to not withhold one good thing. But isn't He the only true good thing? I know in our flesh and selfish desires it's hard to understand, but that's what this whole God relationship thing is about. It's about taking up our cross, following Him, and bringing glory to His name. It's not about us, never has been, and never will. So, if you're in a Job moment take up your cross, follow Him, and bring glory to His name. Hold on to the one who never lets you go! He is there, He is that present help. He doesn't come when you call, He's been right there the whole time. And if that isn't enough just remember "This too shall pass"!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Those are some AWESOME words! A verse that comes to mind...a popular Jerimiah 29:11 ("For I know the plans I have fore you...") God knows what He's doing! He has BIG plans for us! We just have to have some faith and patience to wait it out. That's the hardest part for me. I've always been a little impatient (God likes to play that game with me I think. Ha!) The end result is more awesome then we could ever imagine...and it's just a taste of what God has in store for us! God has been so . I want to shout it from the rooftops! Thanks for sharing...I look forward to more inspirational 'Shannon moments'! :)